ATTN: If you are trying to reach our Customer Service line at 888.775.6687, please know that we are currently experiencing an extremely high volume of incoming calls, and our wait times may be longer than usual. Our Customer Service team is working diligintly to get through to everyone.


Lost or Stolen

Debit Cards

Lost Debit Cards – temporarily turn your debit card on or off within digital banking:

  • Select Organize Dashboard (step can be skipped if your Card Management card is already enabled.)
  • Select Card Management
  • Select the Card you want to Lock
  • Toggle the green button to the left to Lock Card
    • Unlock the card by toggling the button to the right

Stolen Debit Cards - report stolen cards within digital banking:

  • Select Organize Dashboard (step can be skipped if your Card Management card is already enabled.)
  • Select Card Management
  • Select the Card you want to report
  • Select Report lost/stolen – please note once you select lost/stolen the card is permanently deactivated

During business hours you can call customer service support at 888.775.6687 to assist you in closing a debit card and ordering a new replacement card.
